
October 2022 – Urushi

2nd Saturday of October (9 Oct) at 1PM. Briefly, since your webmaster failed to take notes, October’s meeting was held on zoom and member Bryan shared his ventures into working with urushi and experimenting on several pens. It is very slow to dry, apparently, and he’s innovated a drying box to slowly rotate the pens […]


September 2022 – a hazy, in-person meeting!

Seven of us took over the events room at the Lucky Lab Beer Hall on NW Quimby on a smokey Sunday afternoon. Hybrid meeting attempts were foiled by Zoom meeting setup (curse you, oh waiting room!) but we did have a computer and speakerphone to provide a mediocre A/V experience for all callers. No particular […]


August 2022 – Zoom Mtg

The August meeting happened on the second Sunday of August, over Zoom, as scheduled. The webmaster unfortunately was unable to attend and so has no details about the meeting, other than they mentioned the Sailor Pen event that was at Oblation (now past).


July Meeting – Outside at the Lucky Lab / Hybrid

Sunday 10 July we had a hybrid / in-person meeting at the Lucky Lab Beer Hall on NW Quimby (1945 NW Quimby St, Portland, OR 97209). Talk about a beautiful summer day to sit outside, in the shade, with a lovely breeze and drool over pens, inks, and pen storage – we couldn’t have asked […]


June Meeting – An Antique Writing Desk

On Sunday June 12 we gathered 11 members over Zoom (4 new folks!). Notes as below: Next meeting:  should be Sunday 10 July at the Lucky Lab in NW (in-person/hybrid!).  Likely keep the noon time for in-person (stay tuned) Our members introduced themselves and chatted about recent pen-related acquisitions, including a nib-meistered TWSBI Eco with a cursive […]