
April 2024 – TWICE the fun in person

We had two meet-ups this month!

First was our standard meet up in person at the Lucky Lab Beer Hall on NW Quimby. Sunday April 14th @ 1PM, but feel free to show up early and grab your lunch beforehand!

The second was an experiment – a Saturday meeting (for those who can’t normally make a Sunday meeting. Field Trip!!! We had the upstairs group room at Main Street Stamp & Stationery in Tigard (12245 SW Main St, Portland, OR 97223). Give us your feedback on how you liked it!

On Sunday April 14, 21 pen-loving folks came out to socialize and look at pens at the Lucky Lab Beer Hall on NW Quimby. A few folks who we haven’t seen in a bit showed, up and a few new folks – love adding new faces every month! The fabled urushi & raden experiment was seen in person as well.

And here are photos from the Main St. Stamp & Stationery meet-up – some lovely skylights brought in oodles of natural light. It was lots of fun!