
December 2022 – Hybrid meeting

On Sunday Dec 10, 2022, ten folks showed up in person at the Lucky Lab Beer Hall, and another four on zoom for our last meeting of the year. The club decided to use leftover funds ($61) from the Pen Bazaar and the raffle tickets at the Hub to purchase some LED portable lamps for use at the future Pen Bazaars, Hubs, or other pen-centric club events. 

Melissa gave us an update on her 30 inks in 30 days, and Jake talked about the Diamine Inkvent Calendar and let us try some of his pens loaded with Ghost and Appletini.

Hybrid meeting at the Lucky Lab Beer Hall on NW Quimby will be Sunday December 11, 1:00PM.

Staci gave an update on the Pacific Norwthwest Pen Show (, which is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, July 7-8th at the Embassy Suites in downtown Portland. There will be some interesting classes on offer during the show as well as some associated events on Friday the 6th. If you’re interested in a table please contact Staci (we at can help you make direct contact if needed – fill out our info form)

Our next meeting, assuming we follow our normal schedule, will be the second Sunday in January (Jan 8, 2023). Detailed announcements are through the Google Groups email and our private Facebook group (PDX Pen). To join, click on the links for the Facebook group PDXPen or join our Google Groups email list (also PDXPen) – please make sure to indicate that you’re local, ideally by referencing the neighborhood, as this will help us quickly add you to the distributions.