
January 2022 Mtg – Your Favorite Pen

Nine PDX Pen folks gathered over Zoom on a sunny Sunday (9 January) to chat about our favorite pen, ink, paper – whatever is floating our boat these winter months. Sub-categories and qualifiers abounded – first pens were shared (Parker seems to have an outsized representation here, Sheaffer as well!). Vintage pens were strongly represented […]


December 2021 Mtg – Montblanc Writer’s Series

One member walked through his Montblanc collection which includes an impressive 3-decades worth of the Writer series, which started in 1992 and discussed the design elements that linked the pen to a particular writer and their works, and noted how the design evolved over the years. 7 attended on the zoom call.


November 2021 Mtg – A Fountain Pen Journey from Kansas to Oregon

A member shared the journey of tracing the story of an engraved Parker Duofould Lapis Lazuli fountain pen and pencil set. It was fascinating listening to the story of the owner of this pen and to see how it moved from Kansas to Oregon.