
January 2022 Mtg – Your Favorite Pen

Nine PDX Pen folks gathered over Zoom on a sunny Sunday (9 January) to chat about our favorite pen, ink, paper – whatever is floating our boat these winter months. Sub-categories and qualifiers abounded – first pens were shared (Parker seems to have an outsized representation here, Sheaffer as well!). Vintage pens were strongly represented – a Waterman 7 red ripple, a vintage embossed Waterman that is so rare that it doesn’t have a model number (even back then, you had to have a good relationship with the salesman to get one – they weren’t in the catalog!). We even had pens shared that were crafted by the presenter to meet their custom preferences – how cool and crafty is that?

I think many of us could get behind this statement we heard a few times:

My favorite pen is my next pen.

See you all in February!