A big turnout on Sunday Sept 10, 2023 at the Lucky Lab Beer Hall on NW Quimby – twenty one folks showed up!
No specific topics were covered. Food and beverages were consumed. Discussions topics overheard were:
- SF Pen Show – admiration of some cool stuff that was brought home (not just pens, some stamps and inks too)
- Pelikan hub – some coordination and drop off of no-kill ink-shelter donations.
- Buy your pens like you’re leaving them to your kids (i.e. buy the nice ones). The collection was admired and tested out.
- At least one nib was inspected and tuning options discussed
- Thrift store finds – a nice variety of vintage pens and a book on handwriting.
- One new knitter has joined the group (this knitter rejoices!). Other hobbies (cars, banjo) were also mentioned. This group doesn’t get bored easily!