Exiting news – Oblation Papers & Press are hosting Kirk Speer from Pen Realm for a nib grinding event. No affiliation with PDX Pen (other than I think they’re as much fans of our club as we are fans of them). No shipping your precious precious pen! (Almost) instant gratification! How much more awesome could this be?
Posting details here (and note the nib limit, folks, leave a little for the rest of us!):

(post-event passdown):
Your fearless webmaster got a precious Montblanc Starwalker M-nib with baby’s bottom reworked. Kirk filled the converter with Iroshizuku Kon-Peki and got to work. The result – it writes *fabulously* now, no more hard starts after a week of use and letter-writing on various papers. 10/10 worth it. Also learned that (n00b) one should have a converter or other ink carrying capability, as pen #2 I brought with me to have worked on didn’t have that, and he didn’t happen to have a spare Shaeffer cartridge. Lesson learned, next time!