Sunday 10 July we had a hybrid / in-person meeting at the Lucky Lab Beer Hall on NW Quimby (1945 NW Quimby St, Portland, OR 97209).
Talk about a beautiful summer day to sit outside, in the shade, with a lovely breeze and drool over pens, inks, and pen storage – we couldn’t have asked for better weather!
Hybrid meetings remain a challenge – probably something to talk about next time on whether we want to have both. The Wifi was spotty outside (but the event room was taken!). Our apologies to our zoom attendees, it’s really not ideal, is it? We’ll keep brainstorming.
We had no particular agenda besides lunch and pens, so we random walked through Richard’s Galen Leather cases, he showed us several (40 pen carrier, one with a magnetic closure, and one with a notebook slot). Todd shared his vintage wooden toolbox which is fabulous and needed only a cleaning, a hinge, and some new green felt to be beautiful sight to behold – and that’s before he opened the drawers! I personally only saw a few of the Parkers and Pelikans, but a first year Parker Jotter and a “Make a Wish” Pelikan pen were shared (which I’ve never heard of but here’s a link, for those of you who will be in Hannover, Germany anytime soon).
Richard shared the inaugural inking of his brand new Pelikan M1000, just arrived this morning. It was inked with Iroshizuku Shin-Ryoku and as a Fine, was definitely writing as a western fine (and also very wet, having just been inked). A beautiful pen as well as a fancy box with magnetic closure.

Staci had to run, so we didn’t get to hear much of where she is on the PNW Pen Show development, but last we heard the current thinking is July 2023 and lots of research is being done with other pen show organizers. Stay tuned, the pen club folks are interested to see how this forms.
We are still planning to move forward with a Faux Pelikan Hub (aka a “Bootleg” Hub – exact name TBD) and since this would be entirely on our own, as there is still no word on an Official Pelikan Hub, there will be many small ways that folks can help make this happen. Please reach out if you want to be in on helping fulfill the “wish list”!
- Target date:
Probably Saturday afternoon, Sept 17th (tentative) @ Lucky Lab Beer Hall, assuming we can get a reservation.Portland will now have an official Pelikan Hub in November – stay tuned!