Eighteen folks attending our Sunday, 12 February meeting at the Lucky Lab Brew Pub or via zoom.
Our main attraction was the showing of their penguin pen collection by one of our members, with the star being their Satz Brothers Peter Pan Pen that was adorable. Sailor / Sanrio and a variety of very cute pens. All this was facilitated by another member bringing a very handy, portable cellphone holder so a camera could be positioned for the viewing pleasure of our zoom members. It worked much better than our previous haphazard attempts at pen-sharing previously.
Our fearless PNW Pen Show leader called in and walked us around the CA Pen show, and some exhibitors waved greetings in Stuart’s direction. Also noted – PNW Pen Show registration is live here!
Someone (?? don’t recall who, or the particular quote) related a quote about collectors buy with intent, otherwise it’s just accumulation. The exact words were not captured, but it resonated as some members (speaking for the webmaster personally…) are somewhat more on the accumulator side, currently reforming.
Another member also shared a number of his PenBBS pens and inks which have been producing a huge variety of inks and interesting pens, clone or otherwise (webmaster’s personal favorite remains the double-ended eyedroppers). Also noted: old dot matrix printer paper – with the tabs you ripped off the edges – makes good scrap paper for testing pens.