
January 2023 – Zoom meeting minutes

Fifteen folks joined us by zoom to see Joe J change a couple of sacs on an Esterbrook and a Majestic, live! Our check-ins with folks continued the welcome of newer folks, we are happy to have you!  We also saw a phone-view for zoom using a stand that we might try for a future […]


December 2022 – Hybrid meeting

On Sunday Dec 10, 2022, ten folks showed up in person at the Lucky Lab Beer Hall, and another four on zoom for our last meeting of the year. The club decided to use leftover funds ($61) from the Pen Bazaar and the raffle tickets at the Hub to purchase some LED portable lamps for […]


November 2022 – In-person Pen Events Galore!

Dear PDX Pen Friends, a recap of November seems in order… We had the very celebrated return of the beloved Pelikan Hub which was held at the Lucky Lab Beer Hall on Friday November 18th, and was well attended! There were many inks to sample (Pelikan inks heavily represented, of course) and some fun ink-related […]


October 2022 – Urushi

2nd Saturday of October (9 Oct) at 1PM. Briefly, since your webmaster failed to take notes, October’s meeting was held on zoom and member Bryan shared his ventures into working with urushi and experimenting on several pens. It is very slow to dry, apparently, and he’s innovated a drying box to slowly rotate the pens […]


September 2022 – a hazy, in-person meeting!

Seven of us took over the events room at the Lucky Lab Beer Hall on NW Quimby on a smokey Sunday afternoon. Hybrid meeting attempts were foiled by Zoom meeting setup (curse you, oh waiting room!) but we did have a computer and speakerphone to provide a mediocre A/V experience for all callers. No particular […]