The PDX Pen club will have an off-cycle meeting to allow Pen Club members to show off their latest purchases from the inaugural PNW Pen Show which was held July 8-9 this year. It will be held on Sunday, July 16th at 1PM, at the Lucky Lab Beer Hall on NW Quimby. Members are encouraged […]
June 2023 – in-person
PDX Pen Club met in person at our standard haunt, the Lucky Lab Beer Hall on NW Quimby. Second Sunday of the month as normal (11 June) at 1PM. Apologies, no minutes this time as the webmaster had a family event. As always, the best way to keep up to date is to join the […]
May 2023 – Zoom meeting minutes
Eleven people attended the zoom meeting. Reminder: Pelikan hub “Save the Date” registration ends May 15th! Reminder: registration signup is open. Boy golly, July 8-10 is not that far away! Next meeting: Sunday June 11th, in-person planned. Topic discussed: PenBBS pens (and some inks) – Bryan sharing his experience. PenBBS started with a […]
April 2023 – In-person/hybrid minutes
PDX Pen Club met in-person at a remarkably crowded Lucky Lab Beer Hall on NW Quimby on Sunday April 16th. Sixteen people were in attendance (maybe more, it was a crowd) Stuart brought many tools that he has developed to use with repairing vacuumatic pens – some vintage Parker, some he made. Sadly, the area […]
March 2023 – Zoom meeting minutes
March was a zoom meeting, and 11 of us joined in online to talk about 30-day ink challenges, shared by one of our members and how she selects the different inks from her *large* collection, further enhanced by a Truphae subscription box which sends her samples and a budget pen monthly (she’s on the $25/month […]