
Monthly Meetings

When we meet in person, it is normally at the Lucky Lab Beer Hall on NW Quimby (1945 NW Quimby St, Portland, OR 97209). See map below.

Currently we are meeting regularly in-person on the Second Sunday of the month, at 1PM.

To get Zoom information if for some reason we’re meeting that way, you must be a member of the private Facebook Group PDXPen or the Google Group PDXPen which also needs a request to join – please indicate what neighborhood you live in to help the moderators confirm you’re local. Meeting details will not be posted here.

What’s up in 2024?

Lots planned! In addition to our normal monthly meetings, we have these events to look forward to:

  • PNW Pen Show happened on July 13-14, 2024 – fingers crossed for a 2025 announcement.
  • Pelikan Hub 2024 – Pelikan registration has closed – if you missed out, look for registration opportunities in late spring of 2025. Sorry, no unregistered folks may join, we’re at capacity for our venue.
  • Pen Bazaar is confirmed for the weekend after Thanksgiving (Nov 30-Dec 1st) at the Lucky Lab Beer Hall.

Annual Events – 2023 was fabulous!

  • The first Pacific Northwest Pen Show is DONE! It was held July 8 & 9, 2023, produced by Got Your Back Solutions LLC (not the pen club). It had a healthy turnout, four fabulous nibmeisters, and a lovely variety of vendors.
  • Pelikan Hub 2023 – This had a fabulous turnout and our all-time-high of folks signed up. (We’re one of the biggest hubs in the country!). If you’re a member of PDX Pen we do let people know about signup deadlines as soon as we’re aware of them.
  • Pen Bazaar – Saturday & Sunday, November 25-26, 2023. This was the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and kicked off the Holiday shopping right!

Meeting Topics

  • August 2024 – Two Meeting Bonus

    In August we had two meetings – one a post-PNW Pen Show debrief filled with lots of clucking sounds of admiration on our new acquisitions, and one spurred on by a pen club member in the military posted away from the area who was finally in town and could hang out! Post PNW Pen show…